Blog 4
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Hey Debbie!!!
Thanks so much for everything Debbie! In January 2007 I was completely fed up with my life and my looks. I have struggled all through my adolescence and young adulthood with weight. I have tried so many different diet plans, the usual suspects as I call them: Adkins, South Beach, Cabbage Soup, Grapefruit, and the list goes on. I would have typical results, initial weight loss, but no lasting results. Within 6 months of the weight loss, I would balloon back to a weight that was HEAVIER than what I started at! I was also having severe acne problems, which I had never experienced before. I could sleep in my makeup every night when I was in high school and never see a single blemish, and it was quite devastating to now have this problem in my 20's! I was also experiencing increased anxiety and mood problems. I was so sick of looking in the mirror, and not seeing the results that I have tried so hard, so many times to achieve. I was sick of selling myself short, I knew I had so much more to offer than how I was feeling and looking. At this point I was completely ready to submit myself to any program that would WORK, no matter what the stipulations were. I went full-force with the 2l -day Purification Program, strictly following the direction and guidelines outlined by Debbie, and have repeated this for a total of 3 times in 2007. I never went hungry, just ask anyone, I am constantly eating! The most important factor in this equation is the choices that one makes about what they put into their mouth and into their body. Hamburger or veggies? Fruit or cookies? It is these small battles that we win on a daily basis that gives us lasting results. I suggest to have fun with it! Try a new fruit or vegetable every day of the Program. It keeps you excited about the good you are doing for yourself. I lost a total of 40 pounds from NYE 2007 to NYE 2008, steadily over the course of the year. My skin has dramatically improved, and my anxiety and mood problems have significantly subsided. When I look in the mirror, I am seeing not just what I have been hoping and dreaming for, but so much more! This Program works because it is not another diet, it is a complete lifestyle change for me. I am living the life I want to be living! You deserve to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Good luck to all of you in the new year! Happy eating!
Stephanie C. – 01/13/2008
Hi Debbie,
It was good to see you the other day. I didn't get to tell you everything I wanted to tell you about the changes I've seen since I did the SP purification. It's no less than miraculous how my life has changed. I've lost 10 lbs altogether and that's nice, but the biggest improvement has been in the way I feel and how I look at food now. I feel more energetic, more clear minded. I feel "clean" on the inside. My taste buds have awakened! I love the fresh veggies and fish and oils that I eat now and really look forward to cooking and eating this way. It's extremely rare that I eat anything processed. I just can't do it anymore. Some more benefits: my psoriasis is about gone, no more heart palpitations, heart rate is down from 90 bpm to 70 and less at rest, no more panic attacks, sleep better, handle stress way better, blood pressure down, complexion has improved and I don't drink alcohol now or have sugar or caffeine. I bet the suspicious breast lumps will be gone at my 6 month follow-up mammogram. I bet my cholesterol, CRP and blood sugar will be down too. These were elevated last year.
I knew I needed a catalyst to get me on the right track of taking care of myself and this program was just that. It was no accident I happened to hear you talking to another client about the Program. I had been looking and praying for something to help me out. And, once I was committed to doing it, I felt I was in good hands with you during the 21 days. I felt safe. Anything hard about it was just in my can I go without my morning coffee? or sweets or wine?
I wasn't glaringly overweight. I managed to go to work everyday. I didn't have any really bad health problems. Yet I was a medical emergency waiting to happen. That's how I see it now. Things were brewing internally that would've had consequences. And to think that the right food could reverse the damage I'd done to myself, wow, I'm a convert to eating right, that's for sure.
I didn't mean to be so long-winded, but I get excited when I talk about how things have changed for me. Thank you Debbie, and thanks a lot for all the good care you give your clients.
See you next time I come in for my shake ingredients. I still have a shake every morning. I love 'em.
Take care,
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