
A group of people laying on the ground with text that reads " know your health, one lab test at a time ".

Click here to order discounted Lab Test save up to 80% on Over 1,500 Lab Test


Discounts of up to 80% on over 1,500 Lab Tests – Choose from Hundreds of Blood Tests

Order your Lab Tests through Debbie Estes here at Wholesome Traditions, Inc….or click the "Order Lab Tests Now” button to order 24/7, directly online at our safe and secure website.

  • You will be provided with a private and secure online account.
  • Review your lab tests results online 24/7 from the comfort of your own home, at a time convenient for you.
  • Order from hundreds of individual lab tests and panels that you can access, without the need of a prescription. 
  • In most cases, within 1 to 2 business days, you will receive an email notifying you that your results are available to review online.  You will have the option to share your results with your physician and/or healthcare provider.
  • Lab tests help identify risk factors of disease or adverse conditions that can help you target lifestyle changes.
  • Create peace of mind by confirming that your biomarkers are normal and relieve any stress about the conditions for which you are tested.
  • You can monitor your health and wellness while being proactive in the prevention and early detection of disease. 
  • Measure the effectiveness of the actions that you are taking to improve your health and wellbeing, as you move your biomarkers from High Risk (Red) to Optimal Health (Green).


Arsenic, Cadmium, Calcium, Copper, DHEA Sulfate, Folate, Hematocrit, Hemoglobin A1C, Magnesium, Mercury, Selenium, Sex Hormobinding Globulin, Vitamin A, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin K1, Vitamin 25OH-D, Zinc.

Mobile Concierge Phlebotomy – Blood Draw

  • The Micronutrient Test provides key insights into your overall health by identifying essential vitamins and minerals that may be deficient in your diet.
  • Certified concierge mobile phlebotomist will go directly to your home.
  • Personalized supplement recommendations.
A man with a beard is smiling for the camera.
A woman is looking at her food on the screen.


108 Foods Total - Gluten containing cereals, Gluten free cereals, Alternative foods, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds, Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy, Egg, Meat, Fish, Seafood, Herbs, Spices

Self-Collected Finger Prick

  • The Food Sensitivity Test can be used to guide an elimination diet and figure out what foods cause discomfort. The test measures immune response to different foods using self-collected dried blood spots.
  • The Food Sensitivity Test measures a specific type of immune response, IgG antibodies, that may be related to how well you process and digest food. This is different than an allergy, which is caused by IgE antibodies.


216 Foods Total - Gluten containing cereals, Gluten free cereals, Alternative foods, Legumes, Nuts, Seeds, Fruits, Vegetables, Dairy, Egg, Meat, Fish, Seafood, Herbs, Spices

Self-Collected Finger Prick

  • The Food Sensitivity Test can be used to guide an elimination diet and figure out what foods cause discomfort. The test measures immune response to different foods using self-collected dried blood spots;
  • The Food Sensitivity Test measures a specific type of immune response, IgG antibodies, that may be related to how well you process and digest food. This is different than an allergy, which is caused by IgE antibodies.
A woman standing in front of some plants.
A man brushing his teeth with a toothbrush.


Self-Collected Buccal Swab - Cheek Swab

  • The Genetic Weight Management Test identifies five key genetic markers that influence body mass, cravings, appetite regulation, response to exercise, fat utilization and storage, carbohydrate digestion, and the regulation of leptin and insulin.
  • Tailoring your weight loss and fitness strategies to your genetic code can significantly impact your progress toward meeting your weight loss and lifestyle goals.

  • Personalized dietary and lifestyle recommendations, scientifically based on your DNA, accompany our test results. This can empower you to make specific, relevant, and informed choices that can positively impact our health, fitness, and quality of life.


Functional Microbiome Analysis

Stool Test

The human gut harbors 100 trillion microorganisms including bacteria, yeast, fungi, and other microbes. This diverse ecosystem influences everything from immune function and digestion to emotional well-being and so much more. The gut microbiome is a community—each microbe completes important tasks that contribute to the welfare of the whole. Some microbes metabolize foods and pass on the metabolites to other species. Other members maintain a healthy gut pH, support the host’s immune system, support food metabolism, or maintain the gut barrier. Even opportunistic species play an important role when present in small amounts!

When biodiversity in the gut is lost or when species are out of balance, the whole microbial community is affected. This creates a cascading effect that can manifest itself in seemingly unrelated areas of the body.

Unique features of this test and report:

  • Whole Genome Sequencing with 98+% accuracy (As opposed to 16s sequencing utilized by other stool tests).
  • Partnered with CosmosID, the industry leader in microbiome testing & analysis.
  • Compares results to a diverse database of healthy individuals.
  • Resistome and Pathobiome Assessments to determine the resilience of your microbiome.
  • Over 30+ Function Groups to explore how efficiently and effectively your microbiome is performing its functions.
  • Keystone Strain Levels – known to be important for maintaining health and structure of microbiome.
  • Tests for over 20 different common pathogens and overall pathogenic load.
  • Personalized diet, nutrition, and supplementation recommendations based on your individual results.
  • 19 page report with color graphs, charts, and much more.
A brochure with an image of a wallet.
A hand holding an envelope with the words " this simple at home test shows practitioners the abundance of it ".


Functional Microbiome Analysis

Simple At-Home Test

The vaginal microbiome (VMB) is a dynamic ecosystem whose primary function is to keep the vagina acidic. Unlike the gut microbiome, the vagina thrives on low microbial diversity and Lactobacilli dominance. Lactobacilli, as the name implies, are a genus of bacteria who produce lactic acid which keeps unwanted microbes at bay. Disruptions in the vaginal microbiome are common and can lead to an increase of unwanted microbes.

Unique features of this test and report:

  • Partnered with CosmosID, the industry leader in microbiome testing & analysis.
  • Compares results to a diverse database of healthy individuals.
  • Identifies the abundance of numerous microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi:
    • All Lactobacillus species, including the 4 most dominant species.
    • 26 opportunistic bacteria
    • Candida
  • Provides a valuable guide to pinpoint early disruptions, supporting the prevention of further dysbiosis and potentially avoiding the use of harsh interventions.
  • Provides a roadmap for decision-making with a comprehensive report that includes nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement recommendations based on your individual results.
  • 4 page report with color graphs, charts, and much more.


Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)

Self-Collected Stool Sample

  • The Colon Cancer Screening Test is an easy way to check for signs of colon cancer or pre-cancerous growths from the comfort and privacy of your home.
  • This test is recommended for adults aged 50 to 74, with average risk. This screening is usually performed yearly.
  • Unlike preparation for a colonoscopy, this at-home test provides an easier alternative. There is no need to change your diet or do anything to prepare — simply collect your stool sample and send it back. The test can detect blood in the stool, which can indicate the presence of precancerous growths or cancer in the colon.
A man is looking at his phone while wearing glasses.
A man and woman are smiling in front of a cell phone.

STD/STI TEST – $129.00

Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Mycoplasma, Trichomonas

Self-Collected Urine Sample

  • The STD/STI Test offers an easy, confidential, and reliable way to check for STD/STIs. A simple urine sample is used to test for common sexually transmitted bacterial infections.
  • A physician consultation is provided, at no cost, for any positive result.